Thursday, April 29, 2010

Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom

I saw this book by Julie Kenner at Savers and thought, "hmmm, that looks interesting." It was actually a good book; I laughed out loud and was totally sucked into the world of suburia and demons.

Kate Conner is a retired demon-hunter living a quiet life as a stay-at-home-mom, raising a teenage girl from her first marriage (Eric was killed) and a two year old little boy with her husband, Stuart, the lawyer seeking endorsements for his up coming campaign. It was in Wal-mart that she notices the first sign that she may be coming out of retirement, an old man with putrid breath. And there begins the adventure of saving the world while trying to put together a dinner party.


  1. Book 16: The Vintage Caper by Peter Mayle
    A fun frolic through the wine chateaus of Bordeaux and the towns and countryside of Provence in search of 3 million dollars of stolen wine. A light read for wine lovers wanting to know more about old Bordeaux red wines, the rich folks that collect such treasures and the lengths to which they will go to get their hands on reputably great vintages of particular wines. One of a series of detective-type books on French wines.Meant to be enjoyed with a good meal and glass of vino! I will most likely be reading the other books in this series.

  2. Book 17: Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana by Anne Rice
    A very small work, compelling work by Anne Rice about the entry of Jesus into His ministry woven between her talent of storytelling and the accounts given to us through the Gospels. The second volume in her planned trilogy exploring His life and ministry, the story covers His baptism, wilderness experience and encounter with Satan and His first series miracles which culminate with changing water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana. Simply and elegantly written. I believe I will read it again because it is a wonderfully presented version of a timeless, satisfying story.
